Why Are Women Circumcised? ~ Why Some Women Choose to Get It…
Couple of weeks ago I was challenged on my beliefs on why women are circumcised? Before I get into the details, I realized that pure universal knowledge includes all levels of consciousness. What we choose to [...]
Why Are Boys Circumcised? ~ The Unknown Pleasures Of The Foreskin
There has been so much debate around the topic of circumcision and it’s still hard to say if this practice should be continued as a default gold standard in both customary and cultural settings or [...]
How To Give A Pleasurable Yoni Massage – Awakening A Woman’s Sensuality
A yoni massage isn’t about sex or foreplay. It’s to help a woman gain better understanding of her body and feel all the subtle sensations of her body like never before. "yoni" is the ancient [...]
How To Give A Pleasurable & Sensual Penis Massage
A penis massage allows a man to experience a different kind of pleasure, because the purpose of the massage isn’t to get him to ejaculate as quickly as possible. A penis is also called a lingam [...]
Want to Be A Better Man? – Here 7 Ways To Grow
As men, we have a longing to become the best versions of our self. We realize that to live whatever a successful life means to us, we have to be confident in the actions we’re [...]
How I Found A Meaningful Relationship
What is a life of meaning? Surely everyone’s journey along his or her unique path brings meaning and spiritual growth? If true happiness and fulfillment are the keys to a meaningful life, what exactly is [...]
How To Support A Man Going Through Erectile Dysfunction
Almost all men at some point in their life experience Erectile Dysfunction. Often women wonder what is going on with him and what to do about it. Art By|Mark Kostabi Many men feel embarrassed or ashamed [...]
I had An Affair ~ Here is What I learned…
It would not be easy to number the things I have learned in the two years since falling in love with another man. Although if I did, I might discover that the number is actually [...]
What’s The Difference Between Sex and Tantra?
I was recently having a group discussion with a few friends (3 men and 2 women) when the topic of sex came up. It always turns into an entertaining and educational discussion and sometimes into [...]
Can Having Sex TOO SOON Ruin Your Relationship?
It’s exciting when we first start talking with someone new—but when is too soon to start having sex? We live in a different society than we did even a decade ago. Sex is everywhere, and [...]
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