Why Are Women Circumcised? ~ Why Some Women Choose to Get It…

By | May 12th, 2016|Female Sexuality & Anatomy|

Couple of weeks ago I was challenged on my beliefs on why women are circumcised? Before I get into the details, I realized that pure universal knowledge includes all levels of consciousness. What we choose to [...]

Why Are Boys Circumcised? ~ The Unknown Pleasures Of The Foreskin

By | May 9th, 2016|Male Sexuality & Anatomy|

There has been so much debate around the topic of circumcision and it’s still hard to say if this practice should be continued as a default gold standard in both customary and cultural settings or [...]

How To Give A Pleasurable Yoni Massage – Awakening A Woman’s Sensuality

By | April 21st, 2016|Female Sexuality & Anatomy|

A yoni massage isn’t about sex or foreplay. It’s to help a woman gain better understanding of her body and feel all the subtle sensations of her body like never before. "yoni" is the ancient [...]

How To Give A Pleasurable & Sensual Penis Massage

By | April 14th, 2016|Male Sexuality & Anatomy|

A penis massage allows a man to experience a different kind of pleasure, because the purpose of the massage isn’t to get him to ejaculate as quickly as possible. A penis is also called a lingam [...]

Want to Be A Better Man? – Here 7 Ways To Grow

By | April 7th, 2016|Relationships|

As men, we have a longing to become the best versions of our self. We realize that to live whatever a successful life means to us, we have to be confident in the actions we’re [...]

How I Found A Meaningful Relationship

By | March 31st, 2016|Relationships|

What is a life of meaning? Surely everyone’s journey along his or her unique path brings meaning and spiritual growth? If true happiness and fulfillment are the keys to a meaningful life, what exactly is [...]

How To Support A Man Going Through Erectile Dysfunction

By | March 24th, 2016|Male Sexuality & Anatomy|

Almost all men at some point in their life experience Erectile Dysfunction. Often women wonder what is going on with him and what to do about it. Art By|Mark Kostabi Many men feel embarrassed or ashamed [...]

I had An Affair ~ Here is What I learned…

By | March 17th, 2016|Relationships|

It would not be easy to number the things I have learned in the two years since falling in love with another man. Although if I did, I might discover that the number is actually [...]

What’s The Difference Between Sex and Tantra?

By | March 10th, 2016|Conscious Loving|

I was recently having a group discussion with a few friends (3 men and 2 women) when the topic of sex came up. It always turns into an entertaining and educational discussion and sometimes into [...]

Can Having Sex TOO SOON Ruin Your Relationship?

By | March 3rd, 2016|Relationships|

It’s exciting when we first start talking with someone new—but when is too soon to start having sex? We live in a different society than we did even a decade ago. Sex is everywhere, and [...]

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