What Is Sacred Sexuality?
Two years ago when I was attending a Tao and Tantra workshop, I kept hearing the term “Sacred Sexuality.” I had a very basic understanding of what this meant, but didn’t fully comprehend its significance. [...]
The New Sexy: Women Over 40
I’m 41. Until recently, when a woman over 40 checked out my dating profile, the first thought that always popped in my head was “too old”–and then I quickly moved on. I would literally think, “Why is [...]
When We Choose A Life Partner We Choose Many Things…
Today, I was in a small shop filled with Valentine’s day gifts, when a man came hurrying in and started looking around like he was looking for gold. He kept looking over the merchandise while [...]
How Bonobos Use Sex to Settle Conflict
By now you have heard the adage that we are 98 or 99% similar to the great apes we share genetic ancestry with, but what you may not know is that somewhere along the way [...]
How Does Gender Equality Influence Your Love Life?
There is much conversation today about gender equality, sensuality, and sexuality. We talk about these things because our deep and ever present desire is to express ourselves, or experience life through love. We want to [...]
Going Beyond Hard – Soft Penetration
When men reach out to me; it's usually about their fears around having and sustaining erections. Men just like women worry about being enough and getting it on. And in our culture, it's all about penetrative [...]
Is There Light and Dark Sexual Energy?
One the greatest and most powerful source of energy is our sexuality, and like many things in nature there is a light and dark side. Life – Death Day - Night Sun – Moon Active [...]
What Is The Ego? And Why You Shouldn’t Drop It
Don't drop your ego. Don't even try. This may seem like a strange thing for someone who teaches a practice called Zen Warrior Training to say. Isn't dropping the ego the whole idea of Zen? [...]
If You Want an Extraordinary Relationship – Do “The Work”
Most people just fall in love and hope for the best –here’s how to do much better than just hope… I’ll admit it, I’m one of the luckiest guys on the planet when it comes [...]
How A Man Physically Experiences Sex
You’ve been led to believe that sex is all about your penis right? Not necessarily – of course your penis is involved, but how well do you understand and feel your: Body Energy Arousal Ejaculation [...]
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