The Soul Of Sexuality – How Is Our Soul Connected To Our Sexuality?
I was at a 10-day silent meditation retreat. We were told not to masturbate -I cheated. Throughout the years I've realized when I am really relaxed, I am way more aroused than normal. In many teachings [...]
6 Fascinating Vagina Facts That Will Surprise You
Psst... I am going to let you in on a little secret: A woman's vagina is really fascinating. The female sex organ is divided into two parts. The external area is known as the vulva [...]
Why Women Are Having Vaginal Surgery?
I had no idea vaginal surgery even existed. When I was 19 years old, I was on a flight from Las Vegas to Los Angeles, sitting next to a woman who was reading a document [...]
How To Unlearn Sexual Guilt – Turning Guilt Into Pleasure
Sexual guilt is a struggle, which takes place within ourselves, – self imposed in our own minds. Sexual guilt holds us back from open, spontaneous, and authentic expressions because we hide inside a shell filled [...]
What Happens To A Woman’s Body During Her Period?
Throughout the years I’ve met many women who consider their menstrual cycle to be a nuisance and many men who know very little about the process and changes that take place in a woman’s body. [...]
4 Types of Sex – Which One Do you Enjoy Most?
A few weeks ago I was watching Woody Allen’s film Manhattan, where a woman said, “After all these years I finally had an orgasm, and my doctor told me it was the wrong kind.” Often, [...]
5 Foundations Of A Successful Relationship
Many relationships and marriages often fail because of how two people grow as the relationship matures. There are many facets of a relationship, but two primary things happen in the cycle of every relationship. The [...]
What Is Intimacy? ~ {In-To-Me-See}
One of our deepest cravings with another person is the desire for intimacy. What is Intimacy? (In-to-me-see) The conventional definition of intimacy mimics romantic infatuation, but that’s not the only meaning. Like other words in the [...]
Tao of Sexuality – Ancient Sexual Wisdom & Practices
The Chinese have had a difficult time defining and agreeing on what Taoism is for millennia. Taoism is pronounced ‘Dow-ism.’ It’s sometimes defined as religion, philosophy, alchemy, a system of magical wisdom, or as a [...]
An Addiction That Ruined Our Sex Life and Almost Ended Our Marriage
Let me start off by saying this isn’t going to be an article attacking porn or judging you if you watch porn. I’m simply sharing what happened to me and how it affected our marriage. [...]
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