An Addiction That Ruined Our Sex Life and Almost Ended Our Marriage
Let me start off by saying this isn’t going to be an article attacking porn or judging you if you watch porn. I’m simply sharing what happened to me and how it affected our marriage. [...]
Sexual Operating System~ Conscious vs. Instinctive Lovemaking
As mentioned in previous articles, every adult has a Sexual Operating System (S.O.S.) that has an enormous impact on the quality and longevity of their intimate relationships. For most people this is a largely unconscious [...]
‘Hysteria’ ~ Why Men Invented Vibrators
In the 21st century for the sexually unfulfilled women, there are a variety of options and solutions. A plethora of sex toys are available for purchase—most commonly, the vibrator. Today, the latest cell phone has enough vibration [...]
Sexual Operating System – Survival vs. Self Actualization
Do you ever feel sometimes that there is an unseen force driving you with respect to romantic relationships? One which deeply influences the type of potential mate you are attracted to. One that often [...]
Self Love – The Hardest Life Lesson
I still sometimes say “yes” when I deeply want to say “no” (and vice versa) … and then resent others/life for my choices. I still sometimes walk paths that feel heavy because logic says [...]
A Man’s Sexual Insecurities
The best part about my work is when I engage in conversations with men, women and couples who share their sexual insecurities, pleasures and anxieties. I am always amazed at how much anxiety, shame and [...]
Relationships are an Opportunity for Growth
Looking back at my life, I've had relationships that have been challenging, difficult, disastrous, burdened with drama, anger, despair, suppression, withholds, repression, bad or no communication, hurt, so much pain and more. There were [...]
Does The G-Spot Exist?
I often get asked this question by men and women - “Does the G-spot exist?” Short answer: YES There are so many contradictory studies out there it’s hard to understand what’s real and what’s not. There [...]
Meet Your Happy Sexual Chemicals
Ever wonder why you fall asleep after ejaculation? Or get a rush of ecstatic energy during and after great sex? Sex is a doorway to our deepest psyches. Depending on the experience, sex can either [...]
Learn To Feel Your Woman (Or Lose Her)
A man once told me that his wife said she doesn’t feel connected to him. The first time she said it, he looked around, quickly noticed they were both physically in the same room talking [...]
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