I Wanted To Be A Dominatrix ~Personal Story
"You want me to do what?" "I want you to pinch my nipple and choke me as hard as you can, he said to me." "Why?" "Because it really turns me on. Wow, this [...]
How The Stock Market Can Make You a Better Lover
To trade stocks successfully one must first understand the Four Stages markets go through. 1) Prolonged Downtrend 2) Uptrend Begins 3) Finally It Begins to Trade Sideways 4) Downtrend These cycles are indicators if you should [...]
What Men Love About { Deep Throating }
America in the 1970's - a decade of disco, questionable fashion choices, and fascinating interpretations of the term "Deep Throat." While one meaning was tangled up with the Watergate Scandal, the other was associated with [...]
{ Penis Island } – Lots Available to Purchase For Only…
Some Dreams Do Come True - The Penis Island Aside from the initial appeal of owning a home on a pecker-shaped archipelago, the island is actually quite beautiful. Perfect for those who want to live the [...]
How Do You Know When You Love Someone?
I used to believe that love was a light switch. Something flicks on. You get an overwhelming sensation. It hits you like a bag of bricks. Or a strong arrow. When you know, you know. [...]
Reclaiming MASCULINITY – A Man with a Purpose
Every person, man or woman has divine feminine and divine masculine energies within. From these archetypal energies we manifest our conscious thoughts, desires, plans, behaviors, and agendas. Depending on the situation, we channel either our masculine [...]
The SECRET Lives of Men
I know a secret about men most of you don’t. Why do I know this little secret? Men talk to me. Most of my friends are males and they tell me everything. And, I mean EVERYTHING. A lot of men don’t know how to be honest about who they truly are inside, especially with the people closest to them and it’s heartbreaking. […]
The New Sexual Man: The Truth about Men, Sex and Pleasure
In the 1960’s free LOVE, self - expression, and peace movement began (in some western countries) and men were introduced to foreplay and suddenly challenged to bring women to orgasm. There wasn’t a lot of pressure [...]
6 Things an Evolved Man Wants From a Woman
I hear women these days talk about wanting an evolved, conscious man. I’ve decided that mostly means they want to be with a man who can see a woman’s entire humanity, the profound gifts she [...]
Male G-Spot Massage – {Expanding Your Unknown Pleasures}
At a talk I gave a while ago to a group of men a question was asked, a common question at talks. One of the men asked about anal/prostate stimulation and penetration. […]
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