What Is Tantra? – My Tantric Experience in Thailand

By | March 6th, 2015|Conscious Loving|

I had read many books, articles and spoke to numerous people about Tantra, but I was confused with contradictions. I didn’t have a clear understanding of what is Tantra. It was too abstract and theoretical. [...]

{Anal Pleasure} – What Women ‘LOVE’ About Anal Sex

By | February 26th, 2015|Female Sexuality & Anatomy|

There are many reasons why a lot of women are not open to trying anal sex. The most common objections I hear from men and women are: It’s dirty. It’s painful. Anal sex is unnatural [...]

{ CocksManship } – The Pounder vs. The Pleaser

By | February 19th, 2015|Relationships, Sexuality|

There are generally two types of lovers -  pounders and pleasers. Pounders are generally the type of lovers who thrust their penises in and out as quickly as they can. They start fast and finish [...]

The Awakening Man – {Becoming a Conscious & Powerful Man}

By | February 5th, 2015|Male Sexuality & Anatomy|

THE AWAKENING MAN: A PORTRAIT OF POSSIBILITY FOR HUMANKIND Who is the Awakening Man? The awakening man is conscious, heartfully defined. Through his eyes, being conscious is not a intellectual paradigm, nor an intellectual exercise [...]

What ‘Male Orgasm’ Feels Like Compared to ‘Ejaculation’

By | January 31st, 2015|Male Sexuality & Anatomy|

Most men often think their Orgasm and Ejaculation are the same; I’ve learned and witnessed in recent years that there is a BIG difference between male orgasm and ejaculation. Ejaculation is not a whole-body experience, and according to [...]

The Vulnerability of Penetration

By | January 15th, 2015|Male Sexuality & Anatomy|

Women are made to be loved, not understood ~ Oscar Wilde. It stands to reason that in love-making, on the surface at least, it is the woman, ‘the penetrated one’, who holds the vulnerability. After all, having a man push himself into your most sacred and sensitive opening is about the most surrendered and yielding experience one can imagine. So it’s understandable that while women are in the ‘receiving’ role sexually, and are also usually less physically strong than their male partners, the vulnerability is held by the women. […]

How ‘Sexual Energy’ Flows In Your Body

By | January 8th, 2015|Sexuality|

Every person, man or woman has both feminine (Yin -) and masculine (Yang +) qualities. The Yin cannot exist without the Yang and vice versa. The masculine and feminine energies are equal yet opposite forces, [...]

How Pornography Can Ruin Your Sex Life

By | December 25th, 2014|Male Sexuality & Anatomy|

A couple years ago, I stumbled across some research and articles about the pornography and the negative effects it could be having on men and their sex lives. I found it interesting, but never gave [...]

How Well Do You Know Your Penis?

By | December 4th, 2014|Male Sexuality & Anatomy|

 Remarkable things often come from making changes and exploring new possibilities. Getting out of your comfort zone and transitioning is a gradual process of growth. You replace old habits with new ones and often times [...]

3 Things You Don’t Know About Nipple Orgasms

By | November 20th, 2014|Female Sexuality & Anatomy|

Did you know… Nipples have over 800 nerve endings—yes, you read that right. For some women, they're a source of exquisite pleasure, while other women feel nothing at all. Taoist texts encourage men to suck [...]

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