Why We Need Sex Workers & Why Men Go To Them

By | March 15th, 2018|Relationships|

A few months ago I was at a rooftop in Hong Kong having one of the most fascinating conversations with a woman who was a sex worker 15 years ago (high-class escort). Art By| [...]

How To Be A Confident Lover – Pleasure vs. Performance

By | February 1st, 2018|Male Sexuality & Anatomy|

I am in constant admiration when I meet men who take the time and effort to learn the arts of sexuality and love. Learning how to cultivate his staying power and creating a healthy balance [...]

Sex vs. Making Love – What’s the Difference?

By | January 11th, 2018|Sexuality|

I had no idea what the difference was between sex vs. making love until I was 23. I was in a relationship with an older gentleman at the time who asked me “what’s your definition [...]

Organic & Natural Lubricants – BEST Guide For Your Pleasure Areas

By | December 21st, 2017|Sexual Health|

They say communication is the best Lubrication, but sometimes we need a little help. Many lubricants are full of chemicals that we don’t want to put on our delicate pleasure areas. Below is a list [...]

Why Women Feel The Need To FAKE Orgasms? Her #1 Reason Is…

By | December 14th, 2017|Female Sexuality & Anatomy|

The question that inspired me to write this article: Why are we taught so many false behaviors and communication skills instead of being taught how to ask for what we want? We know exactly the [...]

What Is SexTech ? – A Huge Investment Opportunity For A Taboo Market

By | November 16th, 2017|SexTech|

Quick Note:  This is not a finished post as SexTech is constantly evolving ~ Updated on July 22, 2019 In the advanced world of Artificial Intelligence, Crypto Currency, 3D printing, Block chain technology, Sexual awareness and education still remains [...]

What Is Female Ejaculation? – Where Does The Liquid Come From?

By | October 19th, 2017|Female Sexuality & Anatomy|

I recently watched a fascinating documentary called Sacred Water . I was in admiration of how the Rwandan culture spoke about female pleasure and more surprisingly about female ejaculation. Art By|BritaSeifert The documentary uncovers the [...]

Can Men Have Multiple Orgasms? -YES, Find Out How…

By | October 5th, 2017|Male Sexuality & Anatomy|

Like most men, I’ve spent most of my life believing there was only one type of male orgasm – ejaculation. At the age of 64, I discovered tantra, and a whole new world has opened [...]

What Is A Nuru Massage? – The Most Erotic Massage EVER!

By | September 21st, 2017|Sexuality|

A few years ago I was introduced to Nuru massage by a dear friend who expressed his love and almost worship for this type of massage. Art By|Brita Seifert In fact he loves [...]

How & Why I STOPPED Watching Porn As a Woman?

By | August 24th, 2017|Sexuality|

This is not an article to examine whether watching porn is good or bad. Things become ‘bad’ when we give up our power by allowing it to control us and take over our lives. I am [...]

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