
The Transformative Power of Tantra: Overcoming Shame and Guilt

By | January 8th, 2023|Male Sexuality & Anatomy|0 Comments

As a 73-year-old man who was raised as a Christian, but lost touch with spirituality in my 20s, I recently discovered a new and profound spiritual world through tantra and conscious sexuality. Art By| Nat [...]

How To Create Sexual Spaces For Love making

By | January 7th, 2019|Sexuality|0 Comments

Creating sexual place for lovemaking should feel like your pleasure garden, your temple of fulfillment and your ultimate delight. When lovers enter into a sexual connection without first creating their sexual space, they often find [...]

The Spirit Of Intimacy – This Tribe Goes On A Journey During Sex

By | August 16th, 2018|Sexuality|0 Comments

"The Spirit of Intimacy, Ancient African Teachings In The Ways Of Relationships." The world is a vast mix of cultures and traditions. Nothing has more lasting and profound impact on us than our families, communities, [...]

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